PLAB 1 Exam is conducted for the doctors who have already qualified overseas and further want to practice in the United Kingdom under the privilege of limited registration. The main purpose of this exam is to closely examine the capabilities of the physician to work at the position of Senior House Officer (SHO) in the National Health Service, UK hospital. I-medics, a UK based coaching institution, equips you well with the necessary knowledge via online video courses as well as 1-2-1 PLAB coaching in order to help you succeed in the PLAB examination. Visit for further detail on course programs. Parts of Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board Examination PLAB test is divided into two parts: PLAB 1 Exam: PLAB part 1 Exam constitutes a total of 180 single best answer questionnaire for both UK based and overseas aspirants. Earlier, the question count was 200 but later on, it was reduced post a collective review. PLAB 2 Exam: Part 2 of the exam constitutes...
Welcome you all to - 'Plab Exam Talks'. We will upload all details about your journey to become a Medical Professional. We will discuss about 1. PLAB exams (both PLAB 1 & PLAB 2), 2. Medical Courses For Doctors, 3. Medical School Application, 4. AKT Exam, 5. RCA VIDEOS, 6. MRCGP RCA, 7. UKMLA, 8. UCAT, 9. DENTISTRY PERSONAL STATEMENT, 10. FOUNDATION PROGRAMME SJT, 11. MSRA Exam etc. So, start reading today and get some valuable courses for FREE!