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The Untold Secret to Situation Judgment Test Foundation Program

Do you have nightmares of foundation programs, sjt? Has the fear for SJT crippled in your mind so badly that you can’t rest? If you have a straightforward yes, then this blog is right here for you. The difficult part in any medical student’s life is to get through examinations like CSA and SJT. When you turn an FY1 doctor, some circumstances and situations may devastate you. And, one simple mistake can cost your career. To keep these contingencies away, you need to become a compassionate doctor. And, the foundation programs for SJT define the parameters and difficulties you are going to face in your future.

Foundation programs designed for SJT give a kick to assess your knowledge

A foundation doctor needs to imbibe some inherent qualities. Any foundation program that aims to build the concrete layer in a medical student prepares him or her for an invigilated test. The foundation courses put you in situations that you have to face in your near future. As soon as you become an FY1 doctor, you will face the imaginary circumstances. First, you have to respond to the paper-based test, which conceives of possible answers. You need to analyze them and then answer.

Foundation programs implement world-class tools to bring out real reactions

Institutions or center providing foundation programs sjt use videos to explain the results. Now, when you analyze a situation, you show some results. These reactions should fall under the Good Medical Practice guidelines’. Only then can you think of taking control over the patient’s mind. SJT is a mind-based test.

SJT is a competition based core assessment that exposes the pressure

When you prepare under the shelter of foundation programs, you eat raw subjects. Tendencies like sheer professionalism, non-verbal communication, formal dealings, accurate focus on patients, and handling emergencies become your prime goal. As you know, prevention is better than cure. This prevention here is your foundation programs sjt.

i-medics is the ladder to ace the foundation programme designed for SJT. They provide related contents in the form of videos so that you have clear graphical representation in your mind. The better you watch, the easier you learn. If you want to earn this badge in your career to become an FY1 doctor then, you should check at -


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